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Northeast Area Plan Public Review DRAFT Summary

About: This is a summary of the Northeast Area Plan - Public Review DRAFT. It includes the highlights of proposed Plan actions for each of the seven chapters of the Northeast Area Plan and Community Action Strategy chapter for Burke Heights, Sandburg, and Hawthorne-Truax neighborhoods.

The comment period closed on June 17, 2024. City staff is currently reviewing public comments and preparing the final DRAFT Plan. The review and approval process is expected to begin in July. 

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Visit the project webpage for more information about the Northeast Area Plan. 

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What is actually the future of this particular area along East Springs Dr.? Another map specifies future planned streets here.
0 replies
Here it indicates that there are planned streets, but on the Parks map it indicates future park. What is actually the future of this particular area along East Springs Dr.?
0 replies
Need a street and trash barrel at intersection of Anniversary and Independence. Lots of going into Sandburg Woods.
0 replies
We would really love and appreciate these considerations for increased bike safety (especially protected two-way on Portage). As a family who prefers to cargo bike or ride with a small child, this would be huge.
0 replies
End & parking for those who drive then use BRT (pay parking). Businesses shouldn't have to have their lots used.
0 replies
Too close to park (going to get very busy). Current speed zone 20 mph
0 replies
Add safer + more attractive biking areas on CV/Packers
0 replies
Please try to incorporate parkways in this area
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Green space potential (hike and bike). Two parcels along 94/39. less than $100k total.
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in reply to DavidMilbradt's comment
Hi David. Planned street extensions such as this are typically built only when a property develops or redevelops. It's very unlikely the street would be built without a change to your property, given the reasons you cite as well as costs to the City. The planned street map shows connections that may make sense long-term but doesn't put a timeline on their construction. Often, these connections take years or decades before they are actually built.
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Thanks for removing the provisional planned Parkside extension from this map.
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We are the private owners of the property at 1206 Mendota Street and this proposed extension of Parkside Drive would cut directly through our property. If this were built it would cut our property in half, demolish the barn, the tobacco shed, and eliminate our floral business by destroying our flower production gardens and buildings. We don’t understand why a street is needed to connect this high density residential area to an/industrial area. We don’t need more industrial traffic in our neighborhood. Please find another route for this street extension or don't extend it.
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